Love Letters to Humanity – Part III
"Love Letters to Humanity - Part III" - Spoken by Don Nathe
You are worthy of Love and are always loved by Creator…Completely and Unconditionally. See yourself as your Divine Parents see you. You have bravely and generously chosen to come to this planet to participate in the evolution of this universe. You are perfectly evolving and mastering the human body, mind and emotions in perfect timing along your journey in this incarnation. You are so greatly appreciated for all that you are and do here.
Self-love empowers you. It opens you to Gratitude for feeling loved and that brings even more love and abundance into your life. Being aware of that love energy enables you to be more loving to others, to be more generous and accepting.
Self-love is contagious. Others notice your energy and want to believe it is possible for them too. By offering your loving validation of their unique value and purposeful role, they too will begin to see themselves in a fresh way as more lovable and worthy.
Self-love makes you more lovable. As you begin to trust your knowing of who you are and feel the energy of self-love moving through you, you become more attractive to others. They are naturally drawn to your energy and they readily mirror the love radiating from your essence and reflect it back to you. You become the giver and the receiver of that pure energy of unconditional love.
You are Powerful.
You are more powerful than you will ever know. Your ability to co-create is boundless. There are no limits to what you can cause to occur and what you can bring into your life at this time. The power of your thoughts is huge but the intentions in your heart are even more profound.
Self-love makes you more compassionate. As you become more self-confident you can begin moving out self-judgment and comparisons. Without self-judgment you are then less likely to judge others and more apt to accept the other as being just as lovable as you are, with all your similar faults and shortcomings. You are more able to notice “failings” in others and embrace them as you have learned to do with ourselves. Without judgment and comparisons you can move more freely from duality to oneness and recognize the commonality and connectedness with all beings.
Every moment is filled with infinite possibilities. You are not restricted by any existing conditions. You are only limited by your perception of what is possible. If you can imagine it, you can co-create it and manifest it into your life’s experience. Trust your power. Believe that you are worthy. The Universe will respond.
The power of your thoughts and words is immeasurable. Your words carry the energy of your thoughts and express your heart’s intentions. The impact of your words is felt well beyond the range of human hearing to other galaxies in the universe. Be mindful that All is connected.
Trust yourself to express your loving intentions. Recognize the power of your thoughts and words but, at the same time, try not to let fear of thinking or saying the “wrong ” thing filter your message. Instead, realign with Source energy. Then your thoughts and words will carry only the energy of unconditional love no matter what is said.
You are Divine expressions of the Source of All that Is. When you begin to recognize the magnificent power of your soul, you will better understand the importance of staying aligned with Source in the energy of unconditional love.
Being that Love energy allows you to truly love yourself completely and to share that love with others as you recognize and serve in the Oneness of All.
-Don Nathe